
IF: Communication

This is the original sketch I wanted to use for this week's IF theme, Communication. The sketch just kind of 'screamed' out! :D

This is my first real attempt at digital painting. The tablet makes it so much easier to do this. I first established where my lighting was going to be coming from and drew an arrow to remind me. I also started roughing in tonal values of her face. This is my first time doing a step-by-step, and it's kinda of a sad one.. I'm a little further in the detailing in this example btw.
I placed a colored background in the back to help me see the outline of her face, mouth and teeth. I worked on her facial structure and attempted to highlight and shadow. It's pretty sad, I know. I also added her hair, but didn't focus on the details, since I'm beginning, I figured her face would be a good start.
I kind of cheated with adding color. I painted a flat brown tone over the entire facial area, and under the layer blend mode options, I chose 'color' which gave me the depth and color I was looking for. I took the eraser and cleaned up my edges some. Using a darker and lighter tone of brown, I shaded and highlighted some of the areas.

I have a ways to go, but had a lot of fun doing this! Must.. do.. mooore... :)
oy... why does she have an adams apple.. blargh..


° said...

wow thats ur 1st attempt. u use painter or photoshop to do it? i ask cause i just got one of them tablets too but cant even get my stuff to look like this. i thing its a color blending issue and im using PS. guess i just need to keep praticing cant wait to see more of ur illos done this way. nice work

n. said...

i love the expressiveness of both the sketch and the finished digital painting!

Michelle Lana said...

Wowo....you rock girl! Great work and i love the steps you showed...awesome!

Michelle Lana said...

Thanks michelliiiee..sorry haven't written you back. It got a little hectic for a bit.... hope all is well..

AstridMueller said...

Hey Michelle
Thanks for showing these steps - what a cool idea to work in black and white, then paint the skin tone underneath the layers and change the blend modes. Very clever, it saves you dealing with skin tone variations!

Greetings, and thanks for visiting my blog!