
Illustration Friday is a Friend Finder

I used to go to high school with a very talented artist, in fact sat next to her on the bus to and from school for awhile, hung out at lunch sometimes... and as time passed we grew apart. We maybe saw each other once or twice at GMU, passing to get to different classes. I always remembered how in demand she was with classmates to have their caricature done by her.
Well, after all these years, who'd a thunk-it, that IF would bring two long lost friends back together!!! I'm really happy that we're back in touch! Joy!

See some of Michelle Lana's stuff on her blog!

1 comment:

Michelle Lana said...

awww...michelle! I just saw this...you're too sweet!
Thanks a bunch! Of course, your link is on my blog as well - you're too cool! Thanks Michelle! Keep in touch!